Month: September 2012

  • I Knee'd a Break

    What a Life.... What a week...

    The last two years have been a comedy of errors series of improbable events which taken one by one are not particularly impressive, yet strung together form a mountain of indisputable evidence that aliens have abducted my life. So much so that I have not blogged much the past two years. It's said life is stranger than fiction?

    Believe it. I've lived it.

    I'm not complaining, just explaining. The craziness swirling around me has provided a whole lot of free entertainment to family and friends. Not bad for the most part, but really really interesting. 

    I've managed to maintain some semblance of continuity. For example: I was able to replace the gazebo that the hurricane ate; found most of the patio furniture intact in the neighbor's pool; and the roses, my miraculous October Roses, did their best to bloom (hopefully they will fully recover next year). We still have to reseed where our pool once stood. H said that we had to leave it as is and allow the chlorine to "dissipate" before trying to grow grass. He must have been right because not even weeds made a home in the circle. Next spring we will scrape out the sand, bring in topsoil and reseed. 


    It's time to prune Robbie's Tree.


    The aliens have struck again.

    Part of my pact with sanity was to continue to be the Den Leader of my G'son's Cub Scout Den. They're Webelos Scouts this year. Yay!!! Maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't have considered playing soccer with six nine year old boys. Maybe. BUT you should also know that I exercise regularly, have been physically sound (basically) for most of my life and had no reason to expect otherwise. I should have remembered that I am approaching a "decade" birthday and I do know the the impossible always is probable then; but that is a discussion for some other time.


    As I was warming up, yes I got no further than warming up, I heard then felt my left knee pop out of joint and, thankfully, re-pop back into joint. What the What!!!! I immediately stopped the activity that precipitated the dislocation. The discomfort was not enough to take me off my feet. Not until the next morning when I found I could not walk. Well, I could if I could figure out how to do that on only one functioning and responding knee. I'm such a klutz with a cane. Downright dangerous.

    Now, I've been here in my chair for the past four days, "resting" that bad boy.  I am frankly surprised at how little pain there has been. I am able to walk once again. Stairs are my nemesis; I still need the cane for those. I will also have to wear some kind of brace or appliance whenever "exercising" or whatever for the time being. Bother. What doesn't make sense is that it was my "good" knee that malfunctioned. One would have logically expected to be the other knee... the one that was damaged (and not correctly treated) in a so called minor auto accident when I was 12. The growth plate was affected and... well, it doesn't matter.

    What does matter, is that I have to find a way to stabilize myself on a ladder and bring Robbie's Tree back into shape. Hopefully, this will happen before the snow flies. I will NOT let H anywhere near any of my trees/plants. He is pure destruction and certain death in the garden. The memory of what he did to the Hemlock in the front garden still haunts me.

    Another Sad Story........